Sunday, March 29, 2009

something to write home about

Album - Jawbreaker - Dear You

So I'm not quite sure why I created this thing. I'm going to call it an online diary. Because I'm a gay. Tan almost everywhere. Jan almost everywhere. That was for those of you who know who and what I am referencing. I will be ending every entry with "more later, xoxo Danny." That is another inside joke that few of my friends are aware of.

I actually made a Myspace bulletin today about basically nothing, and it was quite theraputic. That prompted me to go on this wild website and create a radtacualr blog of my own.

I am going to further think about the effect of songs and music on my inner dialogue and how it can change a mood or heighten one. Food for thought: why do we listen to derpessing music when we are bummed out about something? At any given time, you can find me sitting on a couch, listening to Owen, drinking a 40 and wallowing in whatever self loathing pity party I am throwing for myself. In hindsight, in the event of a depressing mood, it would make perfect sense to call a few friends, go out for a cocktail, listen to NFG, and engage in the kind of conversation that only you and your closest friends can understand.

Instead, people sit around feeling sorry for themselves. I must admit that I am guilty of that. Moreso than I would like to admit. I am my own enemy. We all are. Whether you would like to come to terms with it, I myself and everyone around create their own environment. You either flourish with the opportunities that are given to you, or you dig a comfortable rut that only you can get yourself out of.

Again, these random sporatic thoughts have no real rhyme or reason, but I'm just typing and typing without any discretion.

Anyway, I have taken my own advice, and I am listening to the new NFG. It started out with Jawbreaker, then went to Get Up Kids, which makes me think of some of the best and worst times in the past 10 years or so, because tguk has been a soundtrack to my misfortunes and some of the best times of my life. I think that the record Something To Write Home About is another completely flawless creation. It makes me happy that I wasn't born deaf, but frustrates me into the thought that I will never create something that will be as important to someone as that record is to me.

I need to shower. I need to eat heathier. I need to exercise more. I need to pay my bills, pay my friends back, and learn a new instrument or go for a ride in a hot air balloon.

More Later,


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