Friday, September 11, 2009

when we stand on top of eachother we block out the sun

Album - Hot Water Music - Caution

I haven't been on this thing all summer. I guess, partially because there has been nothing notably awful or awesome to write about. It has been a summer for the books. A stagnant, boring, overly unproductive clump of 3 months.

The best part of the the summer was in September, when I finally attended a Phillies game, to see Cole Hamels pitch his first complete game ever, and of all things, a shutout. Good times.

So to speed up to date, my back still hurts all day long, I'm still balding at a rapid rate, and my working out/weight loss plan has taken the furthest seat on the back of the bus. Moving forward, or shall I say walking up on a down escalator, everything is nothing, however you can interpret that.

Jerk City has broken up, after several tumultuous months of canceled shows, line-ups changes, and the loss of our van, we have decided to call it quits. This decision was not an easy one to make, but rather I felt it forced upon me. It really is quite discouraging when you put your all, your heart, every ounce that you have into something, and the 4 other people involved are so unmoved, unmotivated, and just plain don't care. Some people will never know the true trials and tribulations that are entailed to run a tight ship without being deemed a Hitler of sorts. You get tons of shows, merch, a van, etc etc, and the response is not "Hey, awesome, great work. I can't wait to get on the road and hang out with my best friends everyday and play music." it is more along the lines of "Dude, I didn't sign up for this. It's more like a 9 to 5 job than it is fun anymore, man." When in hindsight, all these guys did was show up and play. I did all the work. Oh well, so much for dreams.

It's times like these that make me wonder why anyone ever bothers. Some jerk is always going to run by and knock over your sand castle. If that doesn't get you, the inevitable rising tide will one day comes smashing through and wash it away like it was never there to begin with.

Optimistic thoughts from a truly pessimistic mind, folks.

The word of the day is failure. Get used to it.

More Later,
